About Us

about us just lyrics, lyrics

The about us section of Just Lyrics tells you about the website; After all, what is our website? What is our mission? Who can become a writer on this? How to reach us with your suggestions or complaints? etc.

Who we are?

This website is a lyric website. Where you can get lyrics of your favorite songs.

Our Mission

Most of the people like singing songs. But there is a huge problem that every song can’t be memorized. then they need the lyrics of that song. Our mission is to provide the best accurate lyrics to our visitors in the most relevant languages like Hinglish, Hindi, Punjabi, English, etc.

Why Just Lyrics?

There are many websites of lyrics. In most of them you will get mistakes or wrong words or typo errors.
In view of the above we came to you to provide the best and most accurate lyrics to our users/visitors in the most relevant languages like Hinglish, Hindi, Punjabi, English, etc.

what is the Language style of the our Website?

The language style of all the Lyrics published on the website/blog is kept very simple at this website.
Here most of the lyrics are published in Hindi, Hinglish, Punjabi, English, etc. so that our readers can read them easily.

How to Contact Us

For any type of Feedback/Query related to this website to contact us, we recommend you to fill the contact form. Before submitting the form, make sure that every piece of information you have provided is correct.  Information should be accurate.

You can also write us at [email protected]

Before submitting the contact us form be aware about the Privacy terms of this Website.

  1. We collect your information Like your Name, Email, Phone Number, etc. through this form. 
  2. The purpose of collecting this information is to contact back you with the solution to your problem or any information regarding your feedback, query, or suggestion.
  3. Phone number is totally optional.